The BEstiary
Welcome to the Bestiary, where you'll find all of the released creatures whether they're pets, farm animals, wildlife, or monster of the night.
These animals and monsters have been created to make the world more unique and interesting, and you're encouraged to draw them side your Sleepkin! You're also free to use these creatures in Non-Sleepkin ways, however, please make sure to give credit to the group and do not take these for your own ARPG's.
The Designation key
Domesticated: A tag letting you know that this Creature is domesticated. Often these domesticated creatures can be found in the wild still, however, you'll more likely spot them in civilization than you will in the wilds of the world!
Rarity: This will let you know how rare the creature is, keep this in mind when using the creatures!
Common - Seen often, not at all unusual to spot!
Uncommon - Unusual or Uncommon to see, possibly spotted only in specific places!
Rare - Seen often, not at all unusual to spot!
Myth - Never before seen, regarded as mythical or even possibly fake.
Danger Level: How dangerous this creature is, from passive all the way to avoid at all costs, make sure you don't go messing with dangerous creatures!
Skittish - Nervous and non-confrontational, these creatures will run away if approached!
Passive - Passive and Docile, these creatures are friendly and non-aggressive, even when provoked.
Defensive/Neutral - Though these creatures are typically passive, they may attack if you approach too closely or attack them first. Possibly also defensive of young.
Aggressive - Dangerous, as these creatures will attack when they spot you! Either raise your weapon and fight back- or run away!
Avoid At ALL Costs - If spotted you DO NOT APPROACH. Dangerous Creatures that should be reported to authorities ASAP after being observed!
Companion & Pet Creatures
Let's take a look at the Pets & Companions that inhabit the world.
Can I make one of these for my Sleepkin?
Unfortunately, no! These pets will have a use in the Sleepkin Mechanics and therefore aren't free! If you're wanting to count any pet for Dream Dust they'll have to be an official one owned by a Member! These can all be found on the Sleepkins-Resource Account!
How do I get one of these pets?
If you're interested in getting a pet, keep an eye on the Sleepkins Resource Account for pets that go for sale!
Alternatively, you can join the Sleepkins Discord and keep eye on #the-marketplace channel there for anyone putting pets up for trade!
This popular pet is one of the more common you're gonna find, this little creature sports three variants and lots of different traits and colorations. Quite the little cuties, Bleppins are snake-like, medium-sized creatures found all over the Sleepkin world!
Domesticated? Yes
Rarity: Common
Danger Level: Passive
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This little tropical creature may be uncommon, but they're definitely adored. Pipsqueaks come with quite a wide range of traits and coloration variants! Hailing from far-off and exotic lands these tiny little pets are absolutely adorable- and a little bit... nervous.
Domesticated? Yes
Rarity: Uncommon
Danger Level: Skittish
Farm Animals
Let's take a look at the Farm Animals that inhabit the world.
Can these animals be pets?
You're free to draw these creatures being pet animals on farms, however, they have no use inside of Sleepkin Mechanics, and unlike a true Pet and Companion animal would likely wander off if not contained inside of a farm pen!
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These majestic and so very soft sheep-like creatures are found on any farm worth it's salt! Silkie's are renowned for their best use; their fur, capable of being made into Silkie Cloth! So thank these beautiful beasts for all of your super soft clothing, pillow cases, and beautiful wall tapestries!
Link Coming...
Domesticated? Yes
Rarity: Common
Danger Level: Passive
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These bristly little creatures may be difficult to farm due to their temperament, but who doesn't love pork chops? Delicious and defensive, Boarstles are six-legged swine found most commonly living on farms or in thin forests. Useful for both meat and for their foraging, just keep out of the way of those tusks!
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Domesticated? Yes & No
Rarity: Uncommon
Danger Level: Defensive
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These little guys are commonly kept farm animals for both meat and their prolific egg-laying capabilities. With males coming in plenty of pretty flashy colors and females coming with plenty of spunky personalities, some Sleepkin almost consider these little guys to be pets! Uh... almost, pets. Kin's gotta eat you know!
Link Coming...
Domesticated? Yes
Rarity: Common
Danger Level: Mixed
Wild animals
Nothing here yet...
Let's take a look at the Monsters that inhabit the world, many threats that may leap at you claws out, or follow your Sleepkin from a distance...
warped ones
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Sleepkin twisted and warped by imbalances in magic, whether from a Sleepkin that refused to- or perhaps couldn't- sleep, or one who wandered into a magic dead zone.
One of the most common complaints from Sleepkin in rural areas, you're sure to see at least one in your lifetime, that's for sure...
Rarity: Uncommon
Danger Level: Aggressive