minor scarring
"Talk about leaving a mark..."
Age Requirement:
3 Months
Dream Dust Requirement: 300
Write a 400 Word Story of how your Sleepkin got the Scars.
Must stick to the same general area (i.e. limited to a head-sized circle of area to be spread out with each application!)
CANNOT affect the ears in any way, not even tears on the edges!
Is not permanent and therefore can be removed at a later date if you so choose!
"Proof you lived through it, now overcome it."
Dream Dust Requirement: 525
Age Requirement:
6 Months
Write an 800 Word Story of how your Sleepkin got the Scars.
Should make sense but can be placed on multiple places on the body at once
CANNOT affect the ears in any way, not even tears on the edges!
This upgrade is Permanent and cannot be removed or reapplied!
Remove limb
"You'll never be the same..."
Dream Dust Requirement: 750
Age Requirement:
8 Months
Draw your Sleepkin losing the limb along with a 1000 Word Story.
Only one large limb or two small digits (fingers/toes) can be removed at once!
Can be used to remove Arms, Legs, Tails (or Half a Tail), Wings, etc.
If a Wing / Tail upgrade is damaged with this upgrade it cannot be changed later to another wing/tail!
CANNOT be used to remove an ear!
This upgrade is Permanent and cannot be removed or reapplied!
Dream Dust Requirement: 700
Age Requirement:
6 Months
Draw your Sleepkin losing their sight along with a 1200 Word Story.
This can affect one or all eyes.
Can fully remove the eye, leaving an empty socket, or simply cause blindness!
Leaves the pupil milky white if the eye is blinded without removing it.
This upgrade is Permanent and cannot be removed or reapplied!
tattered ears
"Disfigurement that can't be undone."
Dream Dust Requirement: 1000
Age Requirement:
1 Year
Draw 3 Images of how your Sleepkin tore their ears and how they're coping with it. Include a 1200 Words in total over the Three Images!
Can be tattering on just the edges or affect the rings of your Sleepkins Ears.
Can affect one or both ears if you so choose.
If Rings are damaged, this will affect in story how your Sleepkin performs magic, however will not affect mechanics.
CANNOT be used to remove an ear fully! Can only damage the ears.
This upgrade is Permanent and cannot be removed or reapplied!