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Hair tuft

"A timeless classic."

Dream Dust Requirement: 2


  • Must be kept short and simple, shouldn't cover your Sleepkins eyes!

  • Shouldn't be lined off/be separate from the rest of the head.

  • Must be the color of the area is sprouts from!

paw pads

"The Beans."

Dream Dust Requirement: 30


  • You can have just the toes, palm, or both

  • Must be flesh-colored when first applied to your Sleepkin

  • Should be round and semi-circular in shape.

cheek fluff

"Some fur."

Dream Dust Requirement: 5


Draw gift art of someone elses Sleepkin!


  • Must be kept short.

  • Must be kept on the cheek/upper jaw.

  • Should be the same color of the area it sprouts from.


"Must be a Weasley."

Dream Dust Requirement: 45

Age Requirement:

 1 Week


Draw the Sleepkin you want this upgrade for being clumsy!


  • Must be a Secondary color when first applied.

  • Can only be applied to the cheeks, bridge of the nose, shoulders, and base of the ears!

  • Must be small and random, should not resemble a marking upgrade.


"Wiggle wiggle wiggle."

Dream Dust Requirement: 35


Animate the Sleepkin you want this upgrade for wiggling their brows in some way!


  • You can include the upgrade in the animation!

  • Eyebrows should be circular or teardrop-shaped.

  • The animation doesn't have be to unique frames, but the eyebrows have to be clearly moving!

baby claws

"Babies first weapon."

Dream Dust Requirement: 50

Age Requirement:

 2 Weeks


Draw the Sleepkin you want this upgrade for digging!


  • Must be a secondary or base color

  • Baby Claws aren't sharp and are more like human finger nails.

"More fur! MORE!

body fluff

Dream Dust Requirement: 20

Age Requirement:

1 Week


Draw the Sleepkin you want this upgrade for with a traditional medium!


  • Should be the color of whatever area it sprouts from.

  • Should be short and fur shaped (nothing curly/wooly!)

  • Cannot be applied to the limbs/face

  • The traditional medium can be pencil, markers, paints, etc. however it must be colored and neat

horn nubs

"What a handsome devil"

Dream Dust Requirement: 50

Age Requirement:

2 Weeks


Draw the Sleepkin you want this upgrade for pranking someone!


  • Should be the same color as the area it sprouts from

  • If at the edge of a placement, you must choose one of the colors for the nubs to be.

baby teeth

"Eating made 100 Times easier!"

Dream Dust Requirement: 30

Age Requirement:

  1 Week


Draw the Sleepkin you want this upgrade for eating their favorite food!


  • Must be small

  • Should not poke out of the mouth and is not a full mouth of teeth

  • Should be white or slight off white with a yellow/grey tint


"Light perception +10"

Dream Dust Requirement: 15


Draw the Sleepkin you want this upgrade for being fascinated by something or someone!


  • Must be round and black or almost black!

  • They must be visible looking at the object or Sleepkin they're fascinated by!


"The ability to write, draw, turn a door knob..."

Dream Dust Requirement: 75


Draw the Sleepkin you want this upgrade for trying to write without thumbs.


  • Should be the same color as all of your sleepkins other toes.

  • Can ONLY be applied to the front legs/arms.

  • Should not appear as a fourth toe.


"Quite fashionable"

Dream Dust Requirement: 10


Draw a 3 Panel 'Comic' of your Sleepkin getting their accessory!


  • Can be used to apply multiple accessories, however, they must in some way match/make sense together.

  • Legal Accessories:
    Hats, Scarves, Small Items, Glasses, etc.

  • Illegal Accessories:
    Magical Items/Clothing (floating/glowing), Modern Items, etc.

  • Remember that Sleepkin takes place in a time similar to the Victorian Era and the accessories must make some sense for the time period!

small horn

"Very Sharp- Oh wait, no it's not..."

Dream Dust Requirement: 50

Age Requirement:

2 Weeks


Draw the Sleepkin you want this upgrade for with a headache or bloody nose!


  • The prompt must correspond with the upgrade your Napling is getting! (Bloody Nose for the Nose Horn, Headache for the Forehead Horn.)

  • Should be small and rounded

  • Must be the color of the area it sprouts from.


Fireproof tufts

"You can still get burns, don't be cocky."

Dream Dust Requirement: 100

Age Requirement:

1 Month


The Sleepkin you want this upgrade for must know Elementary Fire Magic!


  • Should follow the Upgrade Image in shape and length!

  • Cannot be placed on the ears/default tail

  • Aren't actually fireproof but are instead fire resistant!

feather tufts

"Come on birdy!"

Dream Dust Requirement: 100

Age Requirement:

1 Month


The Sleepkin you want this upgrade for must know Elementary Wind Magic!


  • Feather Tufts should be short and rounded on the end.

  • Cannot be placed on the ears/default tail

  • Feather Tufts should be the color of the area they sprout from.

body scales

"Sleek and chique!"

Dream Dust Requirement: 100

Age Requirement:

1 Month


The Sleepkin you want this upgrade for know Elementary Water Magic!


  • Body Scales are transparent and instead just show whatever pattern or color is under them.

  • Can be placed anywhere on the body as long as it's not textured already (i.e. feathers, fur, etc.)


"Short and flexible!"

Dream Dust Requirement: 100

Age Requirement:

1 Month


The Sleepkin you want this upgrade for must know Elementary Earth Magic!


  • Thorns should be small and blunted on the tip.

  • Cannot be placed on the ears/default tail

  • Thorns should be the color of the area they sprout from.


removing or reapplying upgrades

Dream Dust Requirement: 0


  • In order to remove, reapply, or change an upgrade, you must have 5 Deviations of your Sleepkin showing the upgrade!

  • This rule applies to replacing ears, wings, moving horns/fur, and reapplying color upgrades.

  • This can also be used to move around markings, but they must follow the basic marking rules if you'd mixed them before. (must all be one color)

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