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Basset Ears

"Sorry ol' Red."

Dream Dust Requirement: 160


  • Must resemble the image in length and shape!

  • Must be covered completely in fur (save for the inside) without the Bald Spots upgrade!

Ear fluff

"Do your rings still work?"

Dream Dust Requirement: 320

Age Requirement:

4 Months


Draw the Sleepkin you want this upgrade for listening to something!


  • Cannot cover up the inner ear rings, what's shown in the upgrade image is max length!

  • Can be secondary or base colored.

long ears

"You can hear better! Just kidding."

Age Requirement:

2 Months

Dream Dust Requirement: 280


  • Simply lengthens the default Sleepkin ears!

  • Can be combined with the bald spots upgrade to remove fur!

  • Shouldn't be longer than shown

rabbit ears

"The ability to hear people talking about you behind your back."

Dream Dust Requirement: 180


Draw the Sleepkin you want this upgrade for trying to cook or bake something!


  • Ears should be roughly as long as shown in the upgrade image!

  • Very expressive however the default position is up in the air, not down or back!

  • Can be combined with the bald spots upgrade to remove fur!

folded ears

"Built for squeezing into holes!"

Dream Dust Requirement: 220

Age Requirement:

2 Months


Draw the Sleepkin you want this upgrade for stuck in something!


  • At least one ear must be folded over completely, however one ear can stand partially upright!

  • Must be covered in fur completely but can be combined with the Bald Spots upgrade!

ear tufts

"Fluffy bits that are just there to look good."

Dream Dust Requirement: 80


  • Shouldn't be longer than shown in the upgrade image!

  • Can only go on the very tip of the ear

  • Can be combined with Ear Fluff, Long Ears, Round Ears, and Rabbit Ears!

Moth Item Icon.png

rounded ears

"You look positively grizzly."

Dream Dust Requirement: 190


Draw the Sleepkin you want this upgrade for growling at something or someone!


  • Must be completely rounded on the top of the ears!

  • Rings must still be visible inside of the ears, no grizzly bear ears!

  • Can be combined with the bald spots upgrade to remove fur!

Sharp ears

"Lookin' Sharp! Haha... sorry."

Dream Dust Requirement: 200

Age Requirement:

2 Months


  • Should be sharp and pointy on the end!

  • Can be combined with the bald spots upgrade to remove fur!

Bovine ears

"Mooove it!"

Dream Dust Requirement: 600

Age Requirement:

6 Months


  • Bovine Ears droop to the sides when not expressing (i.e. excited, alert) instead of standing up.

  • Can be combined with the bald spots upgrade to remove fur!

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