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Sleepkins are beings of magic, not only is it their lifeforce but it also allows them to perform magical abilities. However, a Sleepkin is only as strong as their longest nap, and their hardiest food. In order to recharge and regain their magic stores after performing abilities, they must be well-rested, and not skip out on their next meal!


Well-rested Sleepkin with a full belly can control their magic and perform wonderful feats, but a sleep-deprived insomniac would be lucky to even produce a spark. After all, Sleepkin can only process food into magic once they’ve rested.


Sleep deprivation in an adult Sleepkin can cause paranoia, uncharacteristic hostility, and issues in performing magic. Depriving a Sleepkin of sleep enough and it can lead to visual, auditory, and even tactile hallucinations.


The severity can become even worse though, leading to an inability to perform any magic, infertility, and even death as a Sleepkin will use up all of their magical stores and eventually die. Sometimes, things that are worse than even death can happen.


While they can exhibit some of the same symptoms that an adult Sleepkin can, sleep deprivation in Naplings has some differences in symptoms, like outbursts of magical ability and extreme distress. These are the most common signs that a caretaker or parent needs to put the little one down for a nap, or maybe even take them on a trip to see the local doctor. Just to be sure!

the rings

The rings inside of a Sleepkins ears are the output source of magic, the way that magic can be funneled and moved. All magic types and colors are capable of performing magic, although Sleepkin with purple magic often have stronger and more concentrated magic this is never guaranteed to happen.


While the ears can be tattered on the edges without any impact on a Sleepkins magic, any damage to the actual ring will negatively impact a Sleepkins magical ability.


While a Sleepkin might be able to use magic and breed with minor damage to their ear rings, or even missing one whole ear, major damage to the rings of the ears will cause infertility and weaken if not eliminate magical capability. 


Types of magic

There are ten types of magic that a Sleepkin can learn, whether by themselves, through a class, or through some darker and more unconventional means.

The four basic magic types are FireEarth, Water, and Air.

Those basic magics unlock more adept magic such as Void, Toxic, Psychic, and Purity.

Check out the magic chart to figure out what basic elements are required for the adept magic types!


Naplings can only learn a single basic ability from the first four basic types of magic before they’re adults, while Adults can delve into Group held Magic Classes and learn even more classes, and even more advanced abilities.


Though those are the known magic types, there is talk of two larger and more powerful magical abilities. Those of Creation, and Destruction. It’s rumored that only the gods know these powerful magic types, if they even exist at all.


To learn Magic a Sleepkin must progress through the School System scaling of the various magical levels and types. Starting at Elementary, moving to Middle School, up to Highschool and ending at “College” level magic. Although there are classes for everything past Elementary, it’s more than possible to simply learn up to Highschool Level magic without the schooling!


Sleepkin start learning Magic when they’re Naplings, before they ever even grow up! Before a Napling grows up, they’re required to learn their Elementary Ability of Magic at Misses Flower Elementary Class right in the Kingergarden itself. Whether they’re learning to keep themselves nice and toasty or blow some bubbles, it’s a Sleepkins very first introduction to the world of Magical Abilities!


Middle School as well as High School classes are both held by Mister Flower in the lecture building in the town of Oakmoth. These classes are a lot fewer and far between, seeing as Mister Flower is often too busy helping out his wife take care of Naplings in the Kindergarden. Since he’s so busy, there’s only ever room for twenty Sleepkin to enter one of his classes at once!


College-level classes require a fee to enter, and not everyone can afford the tickets for a guarantee to enter the class to learn the last level of magic. Thankfully the College of Oakmoth is a gracious one, and often raffles off a handful of tickets to lucky citizens wanting to join in on the schooling.


Since Mister Flower is often busy, a lot of Sleepkin end up learning Middle and Highschool magic independently, commonly referred to as ‘Street Learning’ Magic! It takes a lot more effort to learn magic that way instead of doing it through a class, but it always ends with the same result of your Sleepkin being able to perform that magic just as they would if they had taken a class for it! Of course, this cannot be done with College-level Magic, as it’s too dangerous to be learned by a Sleepkin without instruction.

starting magic

You'll start your Sleepkins magical journey when they're still a Napling since every Sleepkin learns their first magical ability when they're still kids! In order to learn your first Magical Ability, you'll first pick an Elementary Magic for your Napling to learn!


Once you've decided on that image, you'll draw a Polished Piece of your Napling learning that ability in the Kindergarden! This Polished Piece should include a background, your Napling, Miss Honey Flower, and detailed shading on both background and characters!

After that, you'll submit your piece to the
Class Magic Folder! Don't forget that once you submit it to that Folder to register your Naplings new Magical Ability in the #magic-registry channel in the discord!!

Want to know how to learn other magic independently without a class, like Highschool or Middleschool magic? Check out the guide right here!

Visual guides

Now we know copying environments to perfect is never possible, but since we also know creating your own indoor space isn't exactly easy either we have some handy dandy visual references as to what some of the classrooms and other areas might look like!

The kindergarden (Elementary)

The Kindergarden, the start of all Sleepkins journeys and learnings in magic. A requirement for exiting the wonders of childhood into the large world of adult living.


The class can seat 18 Naplings at a time, and although they often end up being a Handful for the teacher Miss Honey Flower, there's nothing she likes more than taking care of her Students.

The Classroom.png
The Classroom 2.png

Even Naplings with a family must attend a class at the Kindergarden before growing! It's not just for those who live there.


Don't worry if you can't include every element of the class, just make sure that it's easily recognizable as the Kindergarden Classroom when drawing!

The Teacher Is:

Miss Honey Flower

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