bald spots
"Is... is that, mange?"
Dream Dust Requirement: 225
Age Requirement:
2 Months
Draw your Sleepkin itching their ears or tail!
Upgrades not able to be combined with Bald Spots will be marked as such!
Can be applied ears, tail, or both to remove the fur on them.
back spikes
Dream Dust Requirement: 80
Age Requirement:
3 Months
The Back Spikes can go from the base of the neck to the tail tip (only applicable on tails not covered in fur)
Must be secondary when first applied
Cannot be combined with the Back Sail or Body Armor (if applied on the back) upgrades
back sail
"Aquatic! Kinda."
Dream Dust Requirement: 180
Age Requirement:
2 Months
Draw the Sleepkin you want this upgrade for swimming underwater!
The membrane between the spines can be opaque or transparent
The number of spines can vary however it should still have at least five spines.
The spines can be base or secondary colored
The membrane must be a secondary color when first applied
Cannot be combined with the Back Spikes or Body Armor (if applied on the back) upgrades
carrier pouch
"For children! ...Or snacks."
Dream Dust Requirement: 200
Age Requirement:
6 Months
Draw the Sleepkin you want this upgrade for with their arms full!
Carrier Pouch can go on the stomach or chest of your Sleepkin.
This pouch is the same color as the area it grows from.
body armor
"Rolly Polly Pillbug!"
Dream Dust Requirement: 400
Age Requirement:
6 Months
​Draw your Sleepkin trying to curl up into a ball!
Can be applied to the back, front limbs, or back alone OR can be mix-n-matched or all together!
Both arms and/or legs need to have the armor applied, it cannot be asymmetrical.
They must be a secondary or base color when first applied!
When the back armor is applied, it cannot be combined with the Back Sail or Back Spikes upgrades.
"Well that's one way to say 'back off'"
Dream Dust Requirement: 300
Quills can only go on the back areas of the Sleepkin
Must be a secondary or lineart colored when first applied
belly scutes
"Immunity to being punched in the stomach."
Dream Dust Requirement: 200
Age Requirement:
5 Months
Write a 600 Word story of the Sleepkin you want this upgrade for defending themselves!
Belly scutes can go anywhere from chin to crotch.
Must be a secondary color when first applied!
reefing fin
"Comes with a diving license and a cool hat!"
Dream Dust Requirement: 130
Age Requirement:
4 Months
Draw the Sleepkin you want this upgrade for with coral in some capacity!
Reefing Fin must have its tip Ring Colored
The tip of Reefing Fin glows when using magic!
Must stay on the back near the shoulders and not migrate toward the rump or neck.
Mythical mane
"Looks mystical..."
Dream Dust Requirement: 750
Age Requirement:
8 Months
Draw the Sleepkin you want this upgrade for interacting with an official Mythical Bleppin!
Mythical Mane must be a secondary color when first applied.
This mane can run from the top of the head to the tip of the tail.
Mythical Mane must at least cover the back, and cannot just cover the head/tail/etc.
Cannot be combined with the Back Sail, Back Spikes, or Body Armor (if applied on the back) upgrades