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bald spots

"Is... is that, mange?"

Dream Dust Requirement: 225

Age Requirement:

2 Months


Draw your Sleepkin itching their ears or tail!


  • Upgrades not able to be combined with Bald Spots will be marked as such!

  • Can be applied ears, tail, or both to remove the fur on them.

back spikes


Dream Dust Requirement: 80

Age Requirement:

3 Months


  • The Back Spikes can go from the base of the neck to the tail tip (only applicable on tails not covered in fur)

  • Must be secondary when first applied

  • Cannot be combined with the Back Sail or Body Armor (if applied on the back) upgrades

back sail

"Aquatic! Kinda."

Dream Dust Requirement: 180

Age Requirement:

2 Months


Draw the Sleepkin you want this upgrade for swimming underwater!


  • The membrane between the spines can be opaque or transparent

  • The number of spines can vary however it should still have at least five spines.

  • The spines can be base or secondary colored

  • The membrane must be a secondary color when first applied

  • Cannot be combined with the Back Spikes or Body Armor (if applied on the back) upgrades

Carrier Pouch.png

carrier pouch

"For children! ...Or snacks."

Dream Dust Requirement: 200

Age Requirement:

6 Months


Draw the Sleepkin you want this upgrade for with their arms full!


  • Carrier Pouch can go on the stomach or chest of your Sleepkin.

  • This pouch is the same color as the area it grows from.


body armor

"Rolly Polly Pillbug!"

Dream Dust Requirement: 400

Age Requirement:

6 Months


​Draw your Sleepkin trying to curl up into a ball!


  • Can be applied to the back, front limbs, or back alone OR can be mix-n-matched or all together!

  • Both arms and/or legs need to have the armor applied, it cannot be asymmetrical.

  • They must be a secondary or base color when first applied!

  • When the back armor is applied, it cannot be combined with the Back Sail or Back Spikes upgrades.



"Well that's one way to say 'back off'"

Dream Dust Requirement: 300


  • Quills can only go on the back areas of the Sleepkin

  • Must be a secondary or lineart colored when first applied

belly scutes

"Immunity to being punched in the stomach."

Dream Dust Requirement: 200

Age Requirement:

5 Months


Write a 600 Word story of the Sleepkin you want this upgrade for defending themselves!


  • Belly scutes can go anywhere from chin to crotch.

  • Must be a secondary color when first applied!

Shark Fin.gif

reefing fin

"Comes with a diving license and a cool hat!"

Dream Dust Requirement: 130

Age Requirement:

4 Months


Draw the Sleepkin you want this upgrade for with coral in some capacity!


  • Reefing Fin must have its tip Ring Colored

  • The tip of Reefing Fin glows when using magic!

  • Must stay on the back near the shoulders and not migrate toward the rump or neck.

Mythical mane

"Looks mystical..."

Dream Dust Requirement: 750

Age Requirement:

8 Months


Draw the Sleepkin you want this upgrade for interacting with an official Mythical Bleppin!


  • Mythical Mane must be a secondary color when first applied.

  • This mane can run from the top of the head to the tip of the tail.

  • Mythical Mane must at least cover the back, and cannot just cover the head/tail/etc.

  • Cannot be combined with the Back Sail, Back Spikes, or Body Armor (if applied on the back) upgrades

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