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the F.A.Q. Page

Welcome to the F.A.Q. or Frequently Asked Questions page. This page will tell you all you need to know to start here in Sleepkins!

Not see the question you have here? Head over to the Sleepkins Discord and ask your question in the #questions channel!


Have questions on how to count your dream dust or apply upgrades? Make sure to check out the appropriate pages here on the website! Such as The Upgrades Page or How to Count Dream Dust!


What is Sleepkins?

      Sleepkins is a semi-open, upgradeable ARPG species open to everyone! Semi-Open means you're free to make one, but there are rules to making them, and you start with a limited amount of slots to make!

Can I base my Sleepkin off an existing Character? (Fan Sleepkin)

      Yes, and no. You are free to make Sleepkins based on characters in media, however, you are not allowed to make Sleepkin based on other people's Characters that you do not own.

      If it's a character based on a character from media (book, movie, tv show, etc.) yes; HOWEVER the Sleepkin MUST be different from the "original" and not a carbon copy. Try changing up the colors or only taking parts from the character's personality and design and adding to it to make them unique!​


What happens if I switch accounts?

      While you are free to transfer any non-account bound items, pets, etc. to a new account, all of your Sleepkins approved on your previous account will be considered null and void. This includes ones paid for and free ones, and you will have to start from scratch with your Sleepkin! Multi-Accounting to gain more free slots is not allowed.

If I don't want my Sleepkin anymore, what do I do?

      If you don't want your Sleepkin anymore, whether you're simply not connected to them anymore or want to make new ones instead, you can donate them to the group! You can do so by following the instructions in the #sleepkin-donations channel in the discord, meaning they must be at least 3 Months Old and already approved.

What if I transferred my characters to a different group, what do I do?

      If you transferred your characters in the group to a different one but didn't delete their approvals, you're in the clear! Keep in mind that we prefer you use your Sleepkins in one group at a time, so we'd prefer if you don't use them in any groups you've transferred them out into if you plan on using them in Sleepkins again!

Can I sell my Sleepkin, Sleepkin Items, or Sleepkin Pets for Money?

      The short answer? No. You cannot sell your Sleepkin, your items, or your pets for money. You are, however, free to turn your Sleepkins into other species/creatures if you wish to sell their designs and change their design in the group. If you are found ever trying to sell your Sleepkin, Sleepkin items, or pets you own for money, you AND the person attempting to purchase will be permanently banned. No exceptions.

Can I change my Sleepkins name? Eye Color? Magic Color?

      Sort of, no, and no. You're free to call your Sleepkin by other names, however, in mechanics, you will always need to refer to them with the name they were originally approved with. Eye Color as well as Magic Color however can never change with the exception of gaining Heterochromia/Marbled Gaze. What you choose is what you get.

What if I leave the group?

      If you leave the group, don't worry! As long as you have your Sleepkins approvals, you can note the group with one of your approved Sleepkin and request an invite back!

Can I delete my Sleepkins Approvals?

      Sure, if you want them to never be viable again! When deleted a Sleepkin; Cannot be used inside of the group to gain Dream Dust, cannot have upgrades applied, cannot be used in breeding, cannot participate in events, etc. 


      Their slot will become void, essentially locking that slot forever. You do not receive it back if it was an MYO, and you do not receive any Items or Dream Tokens in return. It will be treated as if they never existed, including voiding all YCH Upgrades applied to them.

How do I get a Pet?

      Easy! In order to get a pet you must; be gifted one, purchase one from the group, or win one in a raffle/dta/etc.
      Keep an eye on the Sleepkins Resource account if you want the best chance at snagging a Pet! Remember it's first come first serve when making purchases on pets!

Do I have to grow my Napling up?

      No, of course not! In fact, there's an in lore phenomenon relating to Sleepkin who never seem to grow up, however, remember that this limits your Sleepkin! They cannot gain most upgrades without the use of upgrade items, learn magic, breed, or do much more!

Can I draw my Sleepkin with other species not in the group/in their old forms?

      Yes, however, remember that in order to count for Dream Dust and Upgrade Requirements, all art must be canon to the group and with their up-to-date design! This means that if you want to draw them with another sentient species or in their old looks, you cannot count it for Dream Dust, Submit it to the Group, or use it for Upgrade Requirements!

Can I make my own Unofficial NPC to use in the group?

      Yes! Just remember that unofficial Sleepkin should not be the focus of the piece, cannot count for Dream Dust, and must be drawn with an official and approved Sleepkin in order to be submitted to the group gallery!


Make sure to read The Breeding Guide first to make sure your questions answer isn't there!

Do I have to use all of the upgrades rolled in my Breeding?

      No of course not! All of the upgrades that your Bred Naplings are rolled with are optional! Just keep in mind to still include the ones you don't use in the description of the approval, either crossed out or with an annotation denoting you aren't using the upgrade!

How do "Non-Canon" Breedings work?

      Essentially it's up to your discretion! Bred Sleepkins are related to parents in mechanics no matter what, however, you're free to say that they aren't related at all if you so choose! You are always free to make other Sleepkins their parents in your bred Naplings story!

Can I depict my Sleepkin as Pregnant?

      No! Sleepkins' biological equipment is, essentially, useless for reproduction! Instead, it's the combination of magic that results in Seed Pods that must then be buried to bloom!

Do I have to list Grandparents if my Sleepkin has them?

      In short? Yes. Grandparents are required to be listed on a breeding comment no matter what, even if you aren't using them. This is to make sure no direct inbreeding happens in mechanics i.e. parent to child or sibling to sibling.

Can I breed Sleepkin of the same magic color?

      If your Sleepkin has Blue or Pink magic, they cannot breed to Sleepkin with magic of the same color! However, Sleepkins with Purple magic can breed not only to their Blue and Pink counterparts but also to Sleepkin with other Purple Magic! So it depends.


Are Collabs allowed in the Group/Can I help a friend with their requirements?

      Of course! Just remember that when doing collabs for non-team-events that the majority of the work must be done by the uploader! i.e. they must do the largest percentage of work so as to avoid any unfairness.

      Any craft-related requirements must be done 100% by the uploader, you cannot cop out by having a friend do your crafts for you.

I'm a traditional artist, can I still join and participate?

      Yes of course you can! Just be aware that doing requirements and approvals can be a lot more difficult with traditional art versus digital art. Specifically, because Digital Art is easier edited, we recommend that you do your best to try to do Digital Art for Approvals at the very least! There are plenty of free art programs you can use, such as Fire Alpaca or Krita, but approvals must be done by you.


      Even if you are a traditional artist, however, all art that is added to the group must be clean and clear, meaning not blurred or shadowed from artificial lighting. It's recommended you line with pens/markers and color using markers or paint to avoid any scratchy or awkward areas on your art. Try to make sure all traditional art images are either; scanned using a printer, or taken in bright natural lighting. As long as it's clear and clean, it'll count!

Can I depict XYZ subject in my art? [CW: Sensitive Topics]

      If Deviantart allows it, then we allow it! Keep in mind that we are a PG13 group for the most part, even when including darker themes, and anything with nudity/overtly suggestive themes/extreme violence shouldn't be posted to general art channels or our Deviantart Group.


      You are also free to depict real-world issues, such as discrimination like sexism, transphobia, homophobia, child abuse, abusive relationships, and even things like SA in your art; however, if you are found romanticizing these issues, depicting them as good/okay, etc. in your art, you will be banned from the group. Whether it's a temporary or permanent ban will involve the severity of the content and your expressed feelings towards them. These things are real-world problems that real people struggle with. Do your research, don't disrespect the topics.


      We DO NOT allow ANY depiction of disgusting actions such as Pedophilia, Beastiality, Necrophilia, and other such abhorrent and disgusting "romantic relationships". If you are found depicting any of those, within the group OR in your personal art; you will be banned permanently. Other groups will also be warned about you in the case of these topics being depicted.


  • Pedophilia would be depicting a Napling and an adult Sleepkin in a romantic relationship.​

  • Bestiality would be depicting a Sleepkin and a pet, mount, wildlife, or plant in a romantic relationship.

  • Necrophilia would be depicting a Sleepkin in a romantic relationship with a corpse.


Does Sleepkins exist in the Real World? What Real World things exist in the Universe?

      Sleepkins is its own fantasy world, where real-world animals such as humans or dogs don't really exist! Instead, Sleepkins has its own sentient species (the Sleepkin themselves!) and in-world creatures to use! You can find most of such creatures/monsters over on The Beastiary page!


      Sleepkins takes place in a Victorian-esque Era, think the 1850's to the 1870s in terms of technological advancements. Computers, telephones, air conditioning, and the like simply don't exist in the wonderful world of Sleepkins! However many common everyday items such as the wheel, utensils, and some Victorian Era firearms such as rifles, pistols, etc. all exist in the world.


      Keep in mind to also keep pop culture out of your Sleepkins stories, such as your Sleepkin referring to things from T.V. shows, etc. Funny nods that make sense in context are fine, but your Sleepkin isn't omnipotent, they don't know anything about our world, and never will!

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