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Looking to breed your Sleepkin to get a cute little baby Napling with some cool upgrades and a unique pallet? Well, you've come to the right place!


This guide will cover all you need to know about how Sleepkin Breed, how they're born, and of course, how to get your own Bred Napling to love!



How sleepkins breed

Of course, there's the question people always ask their parents eventually. Where do babies come from? In this section, you'll learn how Sleepkins are made and how they come into existence!

pink, Purple, and Blue!

To start with, Sleepkins can have three different types of magic! Most of the time in order to breed with success, Sleepkins must breed with a partner that has a different color of magic. Blue and Pink are the most common magics seen in Sleepkin and can breed with one another but not with a Sleepkin of their own magic Color.

However, there is a third type of magic called Purple Magic, something that can rarely occur in the Sleepkin population. Sleepkin with Purple magic can not only breed with both those who have pink and blue magic, but also with Sleepkin who also have Purple magic! This makes them versatile and unrestricted in whom they can have a child with!

Blue Magic

Pink Magic

Purple Magic

Now, lets take a look at the different ways that Sleepkin can breed!

The Old Way

This is the method Sleepkin used to use, you know before they had rings in their ears that let them use magic to reproduce without the need for anything physical! 


This is done in the usual way that mammals might breed, however, Sleepkins will use their magic on instinct even when not actively trying to. This combination of magic can form a seed pod without the need for an existing seed, but it's not guaranteed and instead is just a small chance.


Often, this is how young adults end up with "Oopsie" Babies that they either drop off at the Kindergarden or try to care for!

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Two sleepkin sitting and talking, one with pink magic and one with blue.

purposeful combination

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Two sleepkin, one with blue magic and one with pink, holding a seed between them using their magic!

  The new way that Sleepkin discovered they could produce offspring requires no physical touching between the two, however it is most often used between couples who want a child to care for themselves!


Two Sleepkin with compatible magic just simply have to hold a special seed acquired at shops between them. If they have a strong enough will to have a child, their magic will activate and combine inside the seed, forming new life!

This way of making children relies heavily on consent, intent, and desire. The Two Sleepkin must both want a child, specifically to have a child with the other person!

Birth and general biology?

All Sleepkin are intersex, possessing both Male and Female reproductive organs externally and internally. Before Sleepkin ever developed their magic, often only one-half of their reproductive organs would be functional, however slowly they began to experience infertility and sterility as magic levels fluctuated.


After an unknown magical event, however, Sleepkin started to realize that symbols were appearing in their ears, dark rings that allow them to reproduce once again as all Sleepkin were slowly losing their fertility.


Since all Sleepkin are now physically unable to have children, they're born through completely magical means! This means no longer are they incubated inside the womb, and instead are incubated in seeds in potting soil outside of the body! Often this incubation period only lasts three months.

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The baby cycle (from bud to bloomling!)

Cool! Now how do I breed?

Okay, okay, so now you wanna know how to actually breed your Sleepkin, huh? Well all right, let's take a look at a few of the things you'll need to make sure are all ready to go beforehand!

In Order to Breed...

  • Your Sleepkin must have gone through the Adult Approval processed, and must officially be an adult in the group!

  • This means your Sleepkin cannot be Slow Growing and must be listed as 18+ on their most recent reference.

  • Your Sleepkin must be at least 6 Months old (calculated from the date their baby application was posted)

  • Your Sleepkin can't have bred in the past month! There's a month cooldown between each breeding your Sleepkin can do!

  • You must have a Breeding Slot available! This can be your free slot, or one you paid for!

  • You must have a Usable and up-to-date Reference of the Sleepkin you wanna use to breed!

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a clipboard that appears to be a checklist with a pacifier symbol on it somewhere!

FREE vs Paid Slots?

There are some differences to keep in mind when using your Free Slot or a Breeding Kit you bought from the Store or won as a Prize! Let's take a quick look at them.

Free Slots

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a basic seed with a gardening trowel and bag of dirt

  • Everyone starts with ONE Free Slot, and can't gain anymore!

  • This slot and the Napling that results from it are account bound and absolutely cannot be traded or gifted to another user! Think carefully when using this slot!

  • This breeding will require 3 Polished Pieces minimum of the Two Sleepkin who are breeding interacting in some way posted between the people involved in the breeding (this means if using another persons Sleepkin for your Sleepkins partner, they'll need to post a polished piece to their account as well!)

  • Rarer Occurrences such as Twins and Triplets, or Purple Magic are less common when using a free slot!

Paid breeding kit

  • These are purchased on the Shop, Traded for, or Won through Contests in the group!

  • The Breeding Kit and the Napling that results from it can be traded or gifted to other users!

  • These Breedings only require 1 Polished Piece depicting the Couple in the breeding. This image can be posted by either User involved in the Breeding!

  • Twins, Triplets, and Purple magic will all occur at a normal rate between all paid Breeding Kits when they're used!


Now the differences between them may discourage you from even using your Free Slot, but let's look at some of the constants between the two!

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A Large Question Mark

  • Both Paid and Free breedings will produce at least one Napling with a 100% Sucess Rate.

  • Paid and Free Breedings will receive the same number of upgrades (6) as long as there are 6 Upgrades able to be rolled between the two adults!

  • You can collab on your breeding images no matter what, whether it's paid or free! It makes those polished pieces so much less daunting!

  • No matter what, you will still need a "Seed Image", either involving the Seeds Parents, or involving them being left in the wild, or perhaps in the Greenhouse of the Kindergarden of Oakmoth!

  • You get to decide Magic Color and whether or not the Breeding was Canon or Non-Canon to the parents, as well as what kind of breeding it was if canon!

Let's look at Polished pieces!

Let's look at examples of what counts for Couple Images for a breeding and what doesn't! This way you don't spend time on an image that won't even count!

BI Good.png

This image is good to go!

This image clearly shows the Characters interacting/about to Interact in some way! Along with that, this image includes shading and a background!

BI Bad.png

This image is NOT good to go!

The two characters aren't interacting (one being in the background) and there's no shading! This wouldn't count as a polished piece for breeding!

Submitting the breeding

Now that you have your Sleepkin Ready to breed and those images done, let's look at how you'll be breeding them! In order to breed your Sleepkin, you'll head over to the #breeding-submissions channel in our discord and check out the form you need to fill out before you can breed your Sleepkin!


If you're not sure on what the areas of the form mean, let's take a quick look at the parts that may be confusing!

Current Reference?

Your Sleepkins current reference but up to date with their most recent look! This means if you add an upgrade while the breeding is waiting to be looked at, you'll need to update this reference to reflect the change as well. 

Along with this, the reference should show them somewhere without clothing, allowing staff to see their colors without any obstruction!


Once you've given the visuals a look over, make sure to list all of your Sleepkins upgrades in the Description of your Deviations along with a link to where you applied those upgrades!


This is where, if your Sleepkin has any in mechanics, you'll list who your Sleepkins parents are! You can choose whether or not you want to use their colors in the breeding, but they'll need to be listed no matter what.


If your Sleepkin is an MYO, Purchased, or otherwise without any parents in Mechanics, you can simply put "None" or "N/A" here to let us know! 


Sleepkin can pass magic onto their children (yay!) however this can only happen if a Sleepkin Breeding known an element at Middle School Level or above. So only this magic is necessary to list on the breeding comment!


This means that Sleepkin with only Elementary Level Magic aka the required magic to grow up, would NOT have that magic pass down to their children. 

Last Breeding Date?

Sleepkin have a One Month Cooldown between breedings. This countdown starts from the day their last breeding results were rolled, not from the day their lat breeding comment was posted! Make sure when posting your comment that it's been at least a month since your last breeding when posting the comment! If we notice you posted the comment before Cooldown ended but we got to it after, you'll still have to re-submit the comment!

Now what?

Once you've got that Message submitted to the channel, you'll just have to wait until a mod looks over your breeding! Not on the Sleepkin Discord? Join it Here!


Once the breeding is checked over, and any corrections that are needed are made, you'll get your New Napling rolled! Staff will roll what upgrades, eye color, and base color they inherit, as well as make a small pallet with unique secondaries for you! Sometimes, if possible, a secondary may even be pulled from the opposite parent the base was rolled from!

DRawing your Bred Baby!

You have your Naplings roll, and now, it's time to draw them! Here's some quick things to remember when drawing your napling!

  • Only the upgrades your Napling rolled can be drawn on their baby app! Baby Upgrades still must be applied after they're approved if they weren't rolled with them!

  • You get to use both of the secondaries provided to your Napling, however, you can still use one or neither if you so choose!

  • If you don't like some of the upgrades your Napling rolled, no worry! You don't have to use all or even any of the upgrades you rolled! You can simply cross them out in the description of your Naplings approval to indicate you aren't using them!

  • Bred Naplings must follow MYO Coloring rules, i.e. you cannot give them markings if they weren't rolled with them and the base color must be the majority of the Naplings body!

  • YOU get to choose your Bred Naplings Flesh/Ring color! This will be left blank on the application for you so you can fill it in yourself!


Let's look at the simple steps to draw a Bred Napling! First, let's look at the upgrades this little cutie rolled!

  • Hair Tuft

  • Spots

  • Sharp Ears

  • Bleppin Tail

  • Colored Sclera

They also seem to have been rolled as a regular Standard Napling, so that's the anatomy they'll have!

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Standard Lines

Adding Upgrades

What a great roll! Now, whoever's making him must not like Bleppin Tail, since they decided not to use it! Let's just scratch that out and take it off the list!

  • Hair Tuft

  • Spots

  • Sharp Ears

  • Colored Sclera

Perfect! You can see all the upgrades added to the lines to the right, they look perfect!

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Lines w/ Upgrades Added

Base Coloring

Now that our lines are perfect and we have all our upgrades down, let's color this cutie! We have our pallet for them right here.

Pallet Screenshot

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We'll be using both secondaries, one of which we got from the other parent! Along with that, we added this cuties Spots and their colored sclera they inherited as upgrades!

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Colored Lines

The Ears and Rings

Well, since this cutie has most of their colors, let's get to the final step! The Flesh and Ring colors. We'll just pick a flesh and ring color that are within range of legality, since this little dude didn't roll any upgrades to edit that!

Along with getting to choose ring color, you get to choose Magic Color too! If you were lucky enough to roll Purple Magic, you don't have to use it! You can still make your little cutie have Blue or Pink! This little guy will have blue magic!

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Colored Lines

Now that you have your Napling all drawn, what's next? Well, you have to put them on their approval template of course! This template would have been provided to you in your Breeding Roll, so make sure to grab it from the official comment!


Let's put him on his template, and give him a name!

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Example Template

Perfect! Little Patrick looks great, what a star! Now we just have to upload him to Deviantart with the following information in his description!

Name: This should be the same name on your Naplings Application image!

Magic Color: The color of Magic your Napling has!  Determined by what rings are inside your Naplings ears!
Gender: The pronouns your napling goes by! Remember that a Naplings ear ring color is akin to their biological sex!
Creation Type: How you made your Napling! This would be listed as "Bred" 
ID#: Your Napling's Bred ID# that was provided when your Napling was originally rolled!
Upgrades: What upgrades your napling was rolled with! Remember to strikethrough the ones you aren't using!

All done? Great! Get them posted to Deviantart before heading over to the Sleepkin Discordand get your Napling approved in the #bred-and-adopted-approvals Channel!


Can I re-roll a breeding I don't like?

Unfortunately, you get what RNG gives! If you don't like the roll you got and it's not your Free Slot, you're always free to trade it away! If you don't like and it's a Free Slot, well, you could always leave it in Limbo forever.

Why are Free-Slots Account Locked?

Like your MYO Slots your Free Slot, and the baby that comes from it, are stuck to you like glue! This is mostly to discourage breeding this slot for Profit, as this is the only Free Slot you'll get. Ever.

What about Purple on Purple magic?

Sleepkin with Purple Magic can breed with any other Sleepkin Magic color! Whether it be pink, blue, or other Sleepkin with purple magic as well!

Can I make my Sleepkin Infertile?

Every Sleepkin (so far) in mechanics is capable of having children, however, if you'd like to make it so in story they can't have children? Go for it! There are many reasons in story a Sleepkin might be infertile! Chronic Sleep Deprivation, Damage to the Ears, or Weakened Magic at birth! You can also do the opposite and make your Sleepkin SUPER fertile with excess magic if you so choose!

Can I donate Bred Sleepkin?

Sure! You can donate any Sleepkin, but keep in mind you do NOT get your Free Slot or any Paid Slots back if you choose to donate your Bred Sleepkin!

My Sleepkins Grandparent was DELETED!

Oh no! Don't worry, while we can't include base color in roll, you can always list your Sleepkins Parents ID# in order to at least add their eye color to the pool!

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