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"New do, New you!"

Dream Dust Requirement: 30


Draw the Sleepkin you want this upgrade for looking at themself in a mirror.


  • The Sleepkin you want this upgrade for must have the Hair Tuft upgrade first!

  • Can be any length, color, or texture.

  • This color is exclusive to the Hair and cannot be shifted to other parts of the body with Color Shifter.


"Chirp Ch- oh wait you're still not a bird."

Dream Dust Requirement: 100


Draw the Sleepkin you want this upgrade for Singing!


  • Can be Base, Secondary or Ring Color

  • Should resemble the upgrade image in size/shape but can vary (i.e. having a smooth mouth on the beak.)


"Now don't start growing extra eyes on me!"

Dream Dust Requirement: 50

Age Requirement:

2 Months


Draw the Sleepkin you want this upgrade for chewing on a bone!


  • The Sleepkin you want this upgrade for must have the Adult Teeth upgrade first!

  • Must be placed on the upper/lower jaw.

  • Are simply overgrown teeth (i.e. are not venomous/super thin) and should be white/off white

Colored Flesh.gif

colored flesh

"Well THAT's not healthy."

Dream Dust Requirement: 400


Draw two images of the Sleepkin you want this upgrade for Sleepkin recovering from an illness!


  • Can affect nose, mouth, or ears alone OR can be mix-n-matched or all together!

  • The colors must match! If your Sleepkins mouth is orange their ears cannot be blue, etc.!

bug antennae

"Punch Buggy no punch back!"

Dream Dust Requirement: 250

Age Requirement:

6 Months


Draw the Sleepkin you want this upgrade for catching bugs of any kind!


  • Must resemble the upgrade image in shape and size!

  • Can have more or fewer segments however must be segmented into at least two parts!

  • Should start as a Secondary Color.

sharp tongue

"Not actually sharp. Sorry."

Dream Dust Requirement: 65

Age Requirement:

2 Months


Draw the Sleepkin you want this upgrade for licking something.


  • Can not be longer than shown in the upgrade image.

  • Should appear sharp and pointy on the end of the tongue.

  • Does not change the color/width of the tongue.

Facial Hair.gif

Facial hair

"So... rugged and... manly..."

Dream Dust Requirement: 500

Age Requirement:

6 Months


The Sleepkin you want this upgrade for must have bred at least once.


  • Facial Hair can be anything from a mustache, goatee, stubble, or even a full beard

  • Facial hair must be secondary, base, or Hair colored. If Hair colored the color cannot be color shifted to the rest of the body.

  • KEEP IT REALISTIC! Beards don't grow from under the eyes, or up near the ears, so keep it on the lower jaw/realistic areas for facial hair to grow!


"Hahaha! Hey that tickles!"

Dream Dust Requirement: 325


Draw the Sleepkin you want this upgrade for tickling someone or being tickled!


  • Whiskers should be near black/black or near white/white!

  • This upgrade can add Two (2) to Eight (8) Whiskers to your Sleepkin.

Fluffy mane


Dream Dust Requirement: 80

Age Requirement:

4 Months


Draw the Sleepkin you want this upgrade for brushing their fur or hair!


  • The Sleepkin you want this upgrade for must have the Body Fluff upgrade first!

  • Merges with Hair Tuft when applied, turning it into a part of the mane.

  • Should be a secondary color to start.

forked tongue

"Thip Thip... truly a snake."

Dream Dust Requirement: 45


  • The tongue is the same color, length, and width as a normal one, simply with a fork in it on the end!

Bleppin Snout.gif

Bleppin snout

"Do you have the tongue to match?"

Dream Dust Requirement: 200

Age Requirement:

2 Months


​Draw your Sleepkin interacting with an official Bleppin.


  • Must be longer than regular sleepkin snout

  • Your character must be clearly interacting with the Bleppin in question!

  • You can apply either mouth shape shown in the image but you must stick with that shape unless reapplied.

feather antennae

"Cat toys, attached to your head!"

Dream Dust Requirement: 90


Draw the Sleepkin you want this upgade for involving a feather somehow.


  • Are placed ABOVE the eyebrows, not on/near

  • Should be a long line with a single feather on the end!

  • Can start as a secondary or base color.

Dual Fangs.gif

Dual fangs

"Fish are friends, not food."

Dream Dust Requirement: 100

Age Requirement:

4 Months


Draw the Sleepkin you want this upgrade for eating four different foods!


  • Must have the Fangs upgrade first!

  • Dual Fangs can face down, up, or a mixture of the two!

  • These are simply overgrown teeth and should be white or off-white in color!

  • No more then two large teeth, although other teeth can poke out of the mouth!

Nose Changer.gif

nose changer

"A whole variety of sniffers for sniffing with"

Dream Dust Requirement: 250

Age Requirement:

2 Months


Draw the Sleepkin you want this upgrade for sniffing something!


  • This upgrade allows you to change your Sleepkins nose into any Mammalian nose shape! (Cow, Sheep, Deer, etc.)

  • Any fleshy parts of the nose must still stay your Sleepkins Flesh or Ring color.

  • Nose Changer does not affect the shape of the mouth or size of the muzzle, only the nose.

Adult teeth

"Big Teeth for a Big Boy/Girl/Undefined"

Dream Dust Requirement: 50


Draw the Sleepkin you want this upgrade for enjoying a food or drink of some sort!


  • The teeth must be a white or off-white color without the Halloween Syndrome disease.

  • Adult Teeth are not compatible with the Baby Teeth or Snapper Teeth upgrades!



Dream Dust Requirement: 630

Age Requirement:

4 Months


The Sleepkin you want this upgrade for must have 5 Deviations showing them with the Adult Teeth upgrade!


  • The Sleepkin you want this upgrade for must have the Adult Teeth upgrade first!

  • Snapper Teeth should stick out of the mouth like a crocodile's teeth!

  • The teeth must be a white or off-white color without the Halloween Syndrome disease.

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